Siding is the single project that ultimately defines the look of your home, so why not make it look the best? We specialize in making sure that your siding will not only look great but will also withstand the extremities of nature. Below are the different types of siding we install, and their benefits.
Vinyl Siding
Vinyl siding is a plastic type of siding that is the most common type of siding used by homeowners, because of its durability and affordability. Vinyl siding comes in many different styles, color, and even sizes. We specialize in making sure you are content with our work, so feel free to contact us for any questions you may have about vinyl siding.
Aluminum Siding
Photo by pavelalexeev/iStock / Getty Images
Aluminum siding is very common in older homes but is still used by many homeowners with their new homes. Aluminum siding has a metallic look and finish that comes with a more limited selection in comparison to vinyl siding, but there are still quite a few options with regards to color and style. Please feel free to contact us over any questions you may have over aluminum siding.
"James Hardie" (Concrete) Siding
"James Hardie" or better known as concrete siding is a very popular type of siding. As the name states it is made of concrete but it has a smooth finish. It requires a significant amount of experience and skill to install properly, so many do view it as a luxury type of siding because of the cost. The truth is that concrete siding is more durable than the others, provides significantly more color choices than the other types of siding, and even lowers homeowner’s insurance premium in comparison with other types of siding. If you have any more questions about “James Hardie” (concrete) siding please feel free to contact us.